Recording Begins at Big Trouble Studios

Korg Minilogue routed through Deckards Dream analog synthesizer at Big Trouble Recording in Atlanta, GA

Korg Minilogue routed through Deckards Dream analog synthesizer at Big Trouble Recording in Atlanta, GA

Upcoming record is produced by TJ Elias at Big Trouble Recording in Atlanta, GA

I am thrilled to be working with producer TJ Elias on my debut solo album. Elias and Grouplove’s Dan Gleason run Big Trouble Recordings in Atlanta, tucked behind the dive bars and bohemian shops of Little Five Points. Steps away from the Big Trouble studio is Criminal Records, which is the first record store I remember seeing my band’s CDs on the shelves for sale.

Around the corner is a studio that Matt Goldman used to run when it was called Glow in the Dark. We recorded drums for multiple early MO songs demos around the time we were making Nobody Sings Anymore, and Fletcher (before they were called Colour Revolt) tracked most of their LP down here.

I dropped by Big Trouble late last year and I was very impressed with the space. Gleason and TJ have created such a comfortable environment for recording. TJ has a deep bench of vintage gear that I’m excited to use. Armed with an arsenal of instrumental songs I have written over the last few years, the first song we started tracking was “Collision Orbit”.

TJ Elias, producer at Big Trouble Recording

TJ Elias, producer at Big Trouble Recording

I have really enjoyed several records that TJ Elias has recorded recently. Two notable records are O’Brother’s “You and I” and Gasoline Heart’s “Big Trouble”. We have seven days of tracking booked, and upcoming sessions include a rotating cast of friends that are playing on upcoming tracks including members of O’Brother, Manchester Orchestra, All Get Out, and Winston Audio. I am genuinely excited to work with such a talented engineer and producer.


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